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So this morning I decided to try a new breakfast recipe. I got my lightbulb idea from: I changed a few things but not a whole lot.
Ingredients I used:
8 Eggs 1 Large Sweet Potato, Peeled and Cubed16 oz. Italian Hot Sausage (You can use the Original as well. I wanted some more SPICE in my life so I used HOT)4 oz. Green Chopped ChiliesShredded Cheese (Optional - I did not use)

Place your sausage into your skillet and brown (just like you would with hamburger). When that is ALMOST done place in your sweet potatoes to soak in all the grease. Cook until tender which took about 10 minutes. Mean while you can get your casserole dish (9x9) and add your eggs, and green chilies and beat together. Set aside. Go back to your sausage mixture and check on it. When it was done I took TONS of paper towels to soak up the remainder of the grease because there was so much and I am not a huge fan of grease NOR heart attacks. If you like grease and want it in your dish, by all means you can leave it. It's a personal choice. However, as a warning I ended up used a good 1/4 of the roll just on soaking up the orange grease. Slowly add the sausage mixture into the egg mixture (slowly so you don't cook the eggs from the heat the meat is giving off), stirring constantly. Now here comes the part when you can sit down and enjoy your morning joe. Bake it for 30-35 minutes in a preheated 350 oven. It may or may not take that long just keep an eye on it. I had to put aluminum foil on top about 15 minutes in because the top was browning to much. You'll know when its done when the eggs are cooked all the way through. Take the casserole dish out and serve with cheese if you prefer. I left mine out. You may be wondering how spicy this dish turned out and actually its just a very tiny kick. The sweet balances out the spicy very well. Bon appetite and GOOD MORNING to you. This dish is beyond de-lish!
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