14 Kasım 2012 Çarşamba

Juicing, is it worth it?

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So last night after I blogged about the 5th day and how hard it was I sat down and thought really hard. Many thoughts, questions, frustrations, and ideas crossed my mind. I decided that I needed to do more research and I came up with more stuff that I did not know about. Such as, I was craving salt like crazy well I forgot I needed to be adding salt to half of my drinks I was drinking. I read that if you don't listen to your body and what it needs and eat when it tells you then your organs may shut down. Yea that sounds like fun NOT. SCARY. You may hear about all the celebrities that do this but they have a nutritionalist, fitness trainer and Dr. by their side 24-7. Most of us can't afford those bills so its easier for them to do with that kind of support than use "normal" Joes.

I also read that starvation (which you're literally doing with the juicing cleanse) causes euphoria hence why people say they have energy. I barely had enough to make it through the normal day. I did not feel like myself. I felt like a couch potato which if you know me that is not by any means who I am. I can't sit in one spot for more than five minutes without getting the urge to get up and clean, play with the girls, exercise, cook, something anything other than sit. I have been anti social staying indoors keeping to myself. Yet again, not like me. I was not liking the feeling or the way it was making me look, act, feel. Best way to sum it up was a depressed zombie walking in a haze a cliche I know but still I was drained couldn't sleep well and my bones hurt.

My skin looked amazing but is it worth it? And yes, the weight loss end of it was great and all. But on the 5th day I started to feel really bloated and ballooned back up 7 pounds of what I lost. I re weighed myself this morning and it all came off but it was all water weight. That can't be healthy adding and subtracting a matter of 7 pounds every day off of your body. Your heart can't keep up with that. On a max you are supposed to loose 1 pound a day to have your heart be ok with it. So the further and further I dug in my mind and thoughts I said screw it. I will juice but when I really, really need to eat I will eat. I need more nutrients in my diet than what vegetables and fruits can give me. I work out to much to deprive my body of that. I kept getting mixed responses about whether or not vegetables and fruits have enough protein to sustain muscle mass. I knew for a fact that that was not the case. I'm a work out freak and I felt like this cleanse was eating away at my muscles. I felt so weak like I was laid up in bed for a year. I felt like I was regressing not progressing. So last night I ate some food (not much because my stomach had shrunk from the past 5 days of fasting) and guess what?! I slept like a baby. I feel amazing today. The best I have felt since I started the cleanse. I guess its about trial and error and knowing your body. Like I said before this cleanse is not for everyone. Its all a matter of knowing your body and going with the flow.

So my proposal is this: I will juice morning, lunch, dinner and snack BUT when I feel like I am hungry or need energy I will eat but not just anything...good food for the body. The only reason why I want to continue juicing after such a big pit fall is because I know I do not get enough fruits and veggies in my body during the day so this helps out in that department. I would like to thank everyone for the great advice, words of wisdom and support and mostly a huge thank you to my husband who has helped me through this cleanse, babied and listened to me when I was not feeling like myself. I could not be where I am without him and my daughter's. Family is an amazing thing!

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