5 Kasım 2012 Pazartesi

(Review) Cruzan Black Strap Rum 80 proof

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Mystique: 1-10 points
Score: 9

Color: 1-10 points
Score: 9
Inky and shimmering

Scent 1-10 points
Score: 9
Molasses and butterscotch

Initial Impression: 1-10 points
Score: 9
Nice label / I love black rum / inky looking

Mouthfeel: 1-10 points
Score: 9
Burn / oily / coating

Taste: 1-10 x 4 points
Score: 36
Heavy / thick / buttery / oak / molasses

Raw Score Total: 79 points

Bonus Points:
Value: 1-10 points
Score: 10 (11.99 750ml)

Total Score: 91 points

Feel like a pirate today! If ye be willin’ I have somethin’ for ye to try. Cruzan Black Strap Rum. Technically it's called a navy rum or a dark rum not a Pirate rum, but you know the pirates must have pillaged it from navy ships. You may not be familiar with this inky treasure as most places only carry gold and light rums. There really are only a few manufacturers of truly black rum, Gosling’s Black Seal, this Cruzan and now Kracken. If you want flavor and complexity try it. It tastes like buttery molasses and it coats a glass like squid ink. The flavor is so strong you may not want to drink it straight or on the rocks. Traditionally after the 1600's Navy rum was used to add flavor to cocktails and cooking. If you get some good ginger beer like Saranac and mix it with that you'll feel the breeze blowing through your hair and smell the gunpowder from the cannons. The true drink of buccaneers everywhere. If someone tries to give you some gold rum and call it navy rum, tell that landlubber to get that sissy crap out of your face and walk the plank. This is a best buy in my opinion.

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