The pros:
- Energy: Yes, it can be a hit or miss but I would say 80% of the day I have energy and it's a different energy than usual. (considering that I havent had coffee or any caffeine in 3 days I am doing great I think). Again, this is a hit or miss but I would say 80% of the day I have energy.
- Weight loss: In two days I lost 7 pounds! And an inch of my belly. Honestly, I just think it was water weight and nothing more so we shall see how much more will come off. I already set a goal weight in mind and if this diet takes me past that point I am done. Nothing like being a skeleton because THAT is not attractive at all! Remember its about health and cleansing the body and not about trying to be super model anorexic.
- Taste's buds and sense of smell are heightened: This can be a pro or con I suppose but its just crazy how well you can smell everything around you from perfumes, to peoples body odors, to food OF COURSE. As far as tastes go its a lot easier to pin point what is in your food. My husband can almost guess whats in the juices I make which is coming from a smoker who stopped 2 days ago!
- Toxins: My body is getting rid of them and with every day I feel better and healthier.
- Juice: Some not ALL the juices taste pretty gross. It makes the mind second guess if you REALLY want to do this for another 12 days. I highly suggest if you do juice to add some fruit to every juice you do. Keep a 70% veggie to 30% fruit ratio in mind. However, in the mornings we usually do 50% 50% just to give us a boost of energy.
- The shakes/headaches: Sometimes you get the feeling your body is shaking (although its not) and slight headaches. This is just your body saying hey listen I need more calories, Im getting weak, so feed me and also a sign of withdrawals. Yet again listen to your body.
- Body aches: When I sleep at night for some reason I will fall asleep one way and wake up about an hour later with my body completely achey so I have to change positions and of course that equals to loss of sleep.
- Lack of working out: No more cardio for me just weights, yoga, full body strengtheners and stretching. I miss my cardio!
- HUNGER: Yes, you feel like your hungry but you're not starving. Just make sure to drink plenty of water or herbal teas throughout the day and you will be fine.
The pros and cons are almost even but as of right now knowing that my body is detoxing and getting rid of all that bad stuff is the biggest thing that is keeping me wanting to continue. This cleanse takes a lot of hard work and discipline. I am so used to eating the leftovers of food from my daughter's plates or munching on random things through the day or while I cook. The smell of food makes your mouth water like no other. You may be wondering what I am craving right now. Weirdly I'm not. Throughout the day I chew on sugar-free gum. I know its probably not part of the diet but I want to make sure those muscles stay strong from when the diet is over. I am wanting to eat and not be on a liquid diet for ever hahah.
One thing I just recently read is while juicing you need to have an herbal laxative. Your body may not be able to process the food (since your'e not eating solid food) to cleanse your colon out. If you don't the toxins will sit in your intestines and slowly leak back into your blood stream making your blood and body toxic yet again. So be prepared for that.
Looking into the future: My husband and I talked about after the cleanse what we are to do with eating. We have done tons of research and watched plenty of documentaries to know that the majority of food that is in the supermarkets are way over processed and cheaply made. So after this diet it's going to be clean eating, and being educated about the food that our family ingests. We do not want to be made into the majority of people who are having horrible health problems at a younger age each decade. Did you know that 1 in 3 kids will have a form of diabetes before they become adults?!! Im sorry but that is just sad news. That was not the case 20-50 years ago. Its time for a change. Im telling you the more you research the more you learn the more you want to change. If more an more people demand healthy food the prices of those foods will drop a lot. Its all a part of supply and demand. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to ask me questions.
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Veggies from the Korean Market roughly costs= $45 |
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