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It seems like FOREVER since I last blogged. My deepest apologies. It's been a CRAZY week. My daughter's school, baby shower, my daughter's 2nd birthday and a whole bunch of other craziness goin' on in this mama's world. More to come on that later. Speaking of baby showers....I made "dino" deviled eggs and lets just say it was a big hit! Why dino eggs? Well silly, it was the theme of the shower! My brain started churning when I saw this link:
Family fun = watching eggs boil. |
Boiled will make or break your finished product (which for me is deviled eggs). My perfect egg method is: You grab your big pan and put eggs (gently) in and fill it with water (enough to cover the eggs than some). Place on the stove and wait, wait, wait until it starts to rapidly boil. This is where you turn your timer on for 10 minutes. When it dings take it off that burner and let sit on another burner for another 5-10 minutes. Easy!
While the eggs are chillin in their steam pan you can get the dyes ready. Get as many bowls for the number of dyes you are using. I used four dyes. Generic red, green, yellow and blue. I squirted about half the bottle of each dye into their separate bowls. I filled the bowls about half way with water. Go ahead and set that a side. Grab the pan with the eggs in it and drain the water and run COLD water over them until they are cooled. In stead of peeling the eggs to make deviled eggs you only slightly crack the eggs by gently dropping them on the counter or tapping it with a spoon. Small cracks is what your trying to go for. Don't worry if its not perfect. Imperfection in nature is perfection. DO NOT peel the eggs at all. If a few pieces come off again, it's ok. After you crack the eggs put them in the reserved bowls with the dyes. Then put them in the refrigerator to soak up the goodness.

Now this is where the nail biting came into effect. The website my idea came from did not specify how long it takes to dye the eggs. My main concern was that because I was doing deviled eggs I didn't want the dye to seep down to the yoke and discolor that portion of the egg. Can I say yum to poop colored deviled eggs? Hhaha. Fits the baby theme for sure! I left the eggs in the refrigerator for 4 hours. Gently peeked under one and sure enough they looked DONE. I Ran the water over the eggs and started the endless task of peeling. They turned out AWESOME. I honestly thought my daughter was going to eat a hard boiled egg because her eyes lit up and an "Oooooo" sounds came out. I spoke to soon...didn't happen. I guess they were just to pretty to eat.
I started to make my secret deviled egg recipe. I WOULD tell it to you but it's a family secret. My hub's Grandma is no one to mess with. She told me it just to make sure her grandson would be happy (he can eat a whole 24 eggs if I allowed him too). So yes, the best way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Lesson well taught. My gratitude goes to her for making him coming back for more. So with that being said just simply insert YOUR deviled egg recipe here and allow your guest eyes and stomachs be happily entertained. Bon Appetite!
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